Senicoms Green Solutions

Senicoms Green Solutions is an integrated business consulting firm that aims at providing creative link in planning and coordination of necessary and helpful business and service information to meet our customer ends at the convenient projected requirements. The agency also opt to provide for various business consulting activities and research on socio-economic development that cater for different services in the field of strategic business planning and development, project planning and write-ups, marketing strategy for product launch and promotion, events management and training on entrepreneurship, leadership skills and career development to our various clients.

On the other hand, the agency also aims at providing logistical services to our clients on job search and recruitment, real estate, procurement, physical movement and storage of components, parts, raw materials as well as semi-finished and finished goods to different clients. Through our communication and logistical strategy we hope to achieve optimum demand-service level at minimal cost that includes inbound and outbound movement logistics, and coordination of business consulting activities to enhance our clients’ oriented expectations.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Shamba la Hekari 7 Linauzwa M35 Lipo Mtwara, Ufukoni.

Shamba lipo umbali wa Km6 toka mjini (lipo katikati ya Mtwara Mjini na Mikindani) na linapatikana katika ukingo wa fukwe za mashamba ya ugemaji chumvi, pembezoni mwa Bahari ya Hindi. Shamba hili linafaa kwa uendelezaji wa Makazi au Hoteli ya Kitalii)
Tizama Ramani Hapa Chini Uone Eneo Limeonyeshwa kwa Mshare wa Kijani.

Tazama Ramani Kubwa Zaidi

1 comment:

  1. Mwl. Hino kazi uloanza yafaa. Ntafutie kibali ili niweze kushughulika.
