Senicoms Green Solutions

Senicoms Green Solutions is an integrated business consulting firm that aims at providing creative link in planning and coordination of necessary and helpful business and service information to meet our customer ends at the convenient projected requirements. The agency also opt to provide for various business consulting activities and research on socio-economic development that cater for different services in the field of strategic business planning and development, project planning and write-ups, marketing strategy for product launch and promotion, events management and training on entrepreneurship, leadership skills and career development to our various clients.

On the other hand, the agency also aims at providing logistical services to our clients on job search and recruitment, real estate, procurement, physical movement and storage of components, parts, raw materials as well as semi-finished and finished goods to different clients. Through our communication and logistical strategy we hope to achieve optimum demand-service level at minimal cost that includes inbound and outbound movement logistics, and coordination of business consulting activities to enhance our clients’ oriented expectations.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Ufuatao ni mtiririko wa hatua mbalimbali zitakazo muwezesha mtu yeyote kufanya upimaji wa eneo lake na kupata hati miliki ya ardhi, kwa maana ya upimaji wa kiwanja au shamba hapa nchini Tanzania. Pia yafaa ifahamike kuwa kazi ya upimaji inaweza kufanywa na maafisa wa serikali au makampuni yaliyoidhinishwa na yenye vibali vya kufanya upimaji  wa ardhi kutoka sekta binafsi.

1. Kufanya ukaguzi wa eneo husika
Ili kujua eneo hilo limepangwa kwa ajili ya matumizi gani, atatakiwa atashirikishwa Mpima Ardhi (Land Surveyor) kwa ajili ya kufanya utambuzi wa eneo husika na kujua kama lipo kwa ajili ya matumizi gani. Hivyo ni lazima surveyor afike site/eneo husika na kifaa cha kupimia (Handheld GPS). Atachukua vipimo vya mipaka inayozunguka eneo husika. Baada ya hapo, surveyor ataenda kutafuta taarifa za eneo husika katika ofisi za Halmashauri au Wizarani ili aweze kupata ramani ya mipango miji na matumizi ya ardhi.

2. Matokeo ya zoezi la ukaguzi wa eneo
Eneo husika kukosa sifa za kupimika, eneo husika linaweza likakosa sifa za kupimika kwa kutokua limeandaliwa matumizi kabisa (halina mchoro wa mipango miji), kwa sabababu eneo husika linaweza kuwa lipo katika matumizi ya kijamii mf. makaburi, barabara, soko n.k.

Eneo husika kuwa na sifa ya kupimika, eneo husika kuwa katika matumizi ambayo mtu binafsi anaweza kumiliki mf. makazi, hotel, biashara n.k.

3. Uandaaji wa mchoro wa viwanja, hapa wataalam wa Mipango Miji (Town Planners) watandaa mchoro wa viwanja (Town Planning Drawing) ukionyesha mpangilio wa viwanja vyenye ujazo wa juu, kati na chini (High, Medium and Low Density Plots) ikiwa ni pamoja na miundombinu ya usafirishaji, maeneo ya wazi na soko au biashara. Baadae litaandaliwa file kwa ajili ya kwenda Wizarani likiambatanishwa na ramani ya mchoro wa mipango miji kwa ajili ya kuidhinishwa rasmi kwa upimaji wa eneo husika.

4. Kibali cha upimaji, mteja au mmiliki halali wa eneo husika itabidi aandae barua kwa ajili ya kuomba kupimiwa eneo lake. Barua hiyo itapitia serikali ya mtaa na Halmashauri husika, Iikieleza nia na madhumuni ya kutaka kufanya upimaji wa eneo/shamba lake. 

5. Upimaji wa ardhi, hapa mtaalam wa upimaji ardhi (surveyor) ataweka mipaka katika eneo husika kwa kutumia nondo (pin) au mawe (beacons), pia litaandaliwa file kwa ajili ya kwenda Wizarani likiambatanishwa na ramani ya upimaji na taarifa za muhusika/mmiliki wa eneo. Na mwishowe itarudishwa ramani iliyo hakikiwa toka Wizarani kama ramani ya upimaji wa eneo husika. 

6. Mteja atakabidhiwa ramani ya upimaji, ambayo atapaswa aende nayo kwenye Halmashauri husika na kumuona Afisa Ardhi ili aweze kuandaa hati miliki ya ardhi au viwanja viliyopimwa.

7. Mteja atakabidhiwa barua au hati ya umiliki ardhi, baada ya kupata ramani ya kiwanja na kulipia ada zote za upimaji na umiliki wa eneo husika, mmiliki atapatiwa barua ya umiliki (Letter of Offer) wa kiwanja na hivyo atatakiwa kushirikiana na Afisa Ardhi wa Halmashauri husika ili aweze kuandaliwa jarada la Hati Miliki (Title Deed) ya eneo lake.

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Nimeamua kuandika makala hii kuhusu sekta ya Elimu na Uchumi wetu, hii ni kutokana hali ya mabadiliko ya maisha ya hapa Tanzania kwa kupanda gharama za maisha na hata kuongezeka kwa ukosefu wa ajira kwa wahitimu wa fani mbalimbali. Mfano, tunapozungumzia mabadiriko ya kiuchumi pamoja na ukuaji wa utandawazi kote duniani, hii ikiwa ni kutokana na kuwepo kwa viashiria vya mabadiriko yanayotokana na presha ya ukuaji wa kasi katika sekta mbalimbali kote duniani, hasa kiteknolojia, uchumi na hata hali ya masoko ya fedha (ambapo shilingi inazidi kushuka) na bidhaa mbalimbali, pamoja na huduma za kijamii na kibiashara zitolewazo ndani na nje ya nchi.

Kwa kiasi kikubwa Tanzania inaathiriwa na nchi ambazo ziko mbele kiuchumi, uchumi huo hasa nautizamia katika sekta kuu tatu (3), ambazo ni sekta ya kilimo, viwanda, na hata sekta ya huduma za kijamii na kibiashara. Kwa mapana yake ni kwamba sekta hizo ndizo ambazo zinajenga uchumi wa nchi na kuhakikisha unakua kadiri ya mipango endelevu kulingana na vipaumbele vya taifa husika.
Nikirudi kwenye sekta ya Elimu, kama nilipotaja hapo juu ya kuwa yafaa nchi yetu iwe na mfumo wa Elimu kwa mgawanyiko wa miaka 8+2+2+2+3. Ikiwa na maana ya mgawanyiko wa madaraja matatu (3) ya Elimu. Ukianza na miaka 8 kwa Elimu ya Msingi, kisha miaka sita (6) yani (2+2+2) kwa Elimu ya Sekondari na miaka mitatu (3) kwa Elimu ya Chuo Kikuu. Kwa mtiririko wa madaraja haya matatu naendelea kuyaelezea hapa chini kama ifuatayo;-

Daraja la kwanza ni la Elimu ya Msingi (Primary Education) kwa miaka 8. Ambapo miaka saba (7) itakuwa ni ya huduma ya taaluma kama jinsi ilivyo sasa, isipokuwa wanafunzi wanaofikia darasa la nne (4) na kupasi mitihani yao itawapasa waanze kujifunza fani maalumu hadi wanapomaliza darasa la saba (7), na wanapofikia mwaka wao wa mwisho, ikimaanisha darasa la nane (8) wataingia katika mafunzo maalumu kwa vitendo. Hivyo, huu unakuwa ni mwaka wa kuingia karakana za kujifunza fani mbalimbali za ufundi stadi, kilimo na sayansi za jamii. Katika ufundi stadi kuna fani mbalimbali kama ufundi uashi, uchomeleaji vyuma, umeme, uselemara, makenika, na hata fani nyinginezo kama kompyuta, udeleva, kilimo na ufugaji, ushonaji, ufumaji na hata sanaa mbalimbali. Mafunzo mengineyo ni kama ya kazi za ndani, afya, usafi, mapishi na lishe, biashara, pia mafunzo ya hoteli na utalii, maarifa ya nyumbani, ususi wa mitindo ya nywele nayo yanaweza kuanzia katika daraja hili. Hivyo, huu unakuwa ni mwaka wa kumuandaa kijana ili aweze kupambana na hali ya maisha kwa namna ya kijasiriamali, ili pindi amalizapo Elimu yake ya Msingi aweze kuingia katika soko la ajira na kuweza kukuza na kuongeza uwezo wa uzalishaji mali na kipato cha familia. Pia mwaka wa 8 waweza kutambulika kama mwaka wa Elementary & Foundation Courses. Kufuzu vizuri kwa daraja hili pia kutaweza kumuandaa muhitimu kuweza kujiunga na Elimu ya Sekondari (Secondary Education).

Daraja la pili ni la Elimu ya Sekondari (Secondary Education) kwa miaka 6. Ambapo daraja hili lina mgawanyiko wa Elimu ya Sekondari ya Kawaida (Ordinary Level) kwa miaka 4 yani (2+2) na Sekondari ya Juu (Advanced Level) kwa miaka 2. Hivyo Elimu ya Sekondari ya Kawaida ni miaka 4, iliyogawanyika kwa awamu 2 tofauti yani (2+2). Maana yake ni kwamba mika 2 ya mwanzo itakuwa ni ya mafunzo ya nadharia kutokana ya Elimu ya Msingi aliyojifunza mwanafunzi mpaka darasa la 8. Miaka 2 mingine itakuwa ni ya nadharia na vitendo zaidi. Awamu hii ya pili itaweza kumjengea mwanafunzi uwezo mkubwa zaidi ya ule alioupata wakati wa mafunzo ya darasa la 8. Mfano kama darasa la 8 alijifunza ufundi umeme kwa uwezo wa ngazi ya Elementary & Foundation Courses, basi mwanafunzi huyu atakapofikia hatua hii ya Elimu ya Sekondari atajifunza kiundani zaidi fani ya umeme kwa ngazi ya cheti cha Elimu ya Sekondari ya Kawaida (Certificate of Secondary Education Examination) ambayo itakuwa ni sawa na kupata Astashahada ya Ufundi Umeme (Certificate in Electrical Technician) ambayo itakuwa ni sawa na ile inayotolewa VETA. Kwa maana hiyo muhitimu wa kidato cha nne (4) atakuwa tayari amemaliza shule ya Sekondari ya Kawaida (Ordinary Level) huku akiwa tayari na ujuzi wa kutosha kuweza kuajiriwa au kujiajiri mwenyewe. Japokuwa atakuwa amebakiza miaka mingine 2 ya Elimu ya Sekondari ya Juu (Advanced Level).

Elimu ya Sekondari ya Juu (Advanced Level) kwa miaka 2. Hii itakuwa ni Elimu ya daraja la kati la kumuandaa mwanafunzi kuweza kufuzu vizuri na kujiunga na Elimu ya Chuo Kikuu. Elimu hii itakuwa inamjenga mwanafunzi kupanda daraja kulingana na fani anayoisomea na kujipatia ujuzi zaidi kwa ngazi ya cheti cha Elimu ya Sekondari ya Juu (Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examination) ambayo ni sawa na Stashahada ya Ufundi Umeme (Diploma in Electrical Technician au (FTC). Kwa maana hiyo muhitimu wa kidato cha sita (6) atakuwa tayari amemaliza shule ya Sekondari ya Juu (Advanced Level) huku akiwa tayari na ujuzi wa kutosha kuweza kuajiriwa au kujiajiri mwenyewe.

Daraja la tatu ni la Elimu ya Chuo Kikuu (University Education) kwa miaka 3. Hii itakuwa ni elimu ya juu kwa ngazi ya menejimenti na utawala, pia itakuwa ni ngazi ya kuwapa fursa wanazuoni kuweza kujikita katika kuendeleza uweledi wa fani na hata ujuzi walioanza kuwanao tangia wakiwa darasa la 8 la Elimu ya Msingi. Kwa hali hii pia itaweza kuongeza uzalishaji mali na huduma kwa soko la ndani ya nchi. Kwa upande mwingine Elimu ya Chuo Kikuu itaweza kukuza, kuboresha na kuongeza fani na huduma za utafiti na ubunifu katika sekta mbalimbali zinaoweza kupambana na ushindani wa uzalishaji mali mbalimbali na huduma za kiofisi na bishara ambapo zitatuletea ukuaji bora na wa uhakika kwa soko la ndani na nje ya nchi yetu. Kwa maana hiyo yule aliyeanza kujifunza ufundi umeme tangia akiwa Elimu ya Msingi, anapohitimu mafunzo yake ya Elimu ya Chuo Kikuu atakuwa na Shahada ya Uhandisi wa Umeme (Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering). Kwa maana hii, hata katika mfumo wa ajira, anapokuwepo Engineer mmoja katika kazi atapaswa kuwa na wasaidizi wa nne (4) katika daraja la Stashahada (Diploma au FTC) na pia wasaidizi wengine nane (8) wa daraja la Astashahada au Certificate (Full Task Force = 1 Engineer + 4 Technitians + 8 Artisans). Nadhani kwa kupitia muongozo huu, mpaka hapa utakuwa umeshanielewa kuwa ni jinsi gani tatizo la ajira litakavyo pungua, kutokana na kuwaongezeka wananchi fursa na uwezo wa kuajiriwa au kujiajiri wenyewe, na hasa kwa ngazi za madaraja ya chini, hususani kwa wahitimu wa ngazi ya Certificate na Diploma, na hivyo kuongeza nguvukazi ya uzalishaji na ujenzi wa uchumi wetu.

Nimejaribu kuandika makala hii kutokana na mfumo wetu wa elimu kuwa na mapungufu mengi na makubwa zaidi, mapungufu hayo nipamoja na kutokuweza kumuandaa muhitimu wa daraja lolote kuweza kuingia katika soko la ajira au kujiajiri mwenyewe. Mfano, mhitimu wa Elimu ya Msingi kwa sasa ajira yake kubwa na ya haraka ni kazi za ndani (House boy/girl) au uchuuzi wa bidhaa ndogondogo na huduma nyinginezo kama vibarua, vilabu vya pombe, na hata kuingia kwenye huduma za usafirishaji abiria na mizigo, ambapo kwa asilimia kubwa kazi hizi zimebakia kuwa sio rasmi kwa muda mrefu sasa. Mfano mwingine ni pale panapotokea kuwapo kwa muhitimu wa Elimu ya Sekondari, kwa kati ya kidato cha nne au sita (Form 4 & Form 6) imekuwa ni kwaida kukuta mwanafunzi anapofeli masomo yake analazimika kwenda Mafunzo ya Ualimu, cha ajabu hapa ni kwamba aliyefeli Elimu ya Sekondari ndiye anayeandaliwa kuwa mwalimu wa kizazi kijacho, mtu huyohuyo ndiye anayeandaliwa kuwa askari polisi wa kusimamia haki na usalama wa jamii yetu! Lakini pia ukizingatia yule aliyepata matokeo mazuri naye hakuandaliwa kujiariri aku kuajiriwa kutokana na kukosa mafunzo ya fani mbadala inayokidhi soko la ajira na kumfanya aanze kusomea kozi maalumu nje ya masomo aliyoyasomea katika Elimu ya Sekondari.

Kwa maana hii, tukifanikiwa kuunganisha elimu yetu ya taaluma ya kawaida na ile yenye mafunzo ya fani mbalimbali na ufundi stadi, tutaweza kukabiliana na tatizo la ajira pamoja na matatizo mengineyo yanayo pandisha gharama za maisha kwa kila mwaka, pia itasaidia kuwezesha sekta binafsi kukua kwa kasi na kuweza kujidhatiti katika uzalishaji mali na bidhaa za ndani, ambapo pia tutaweza kutumia rasilimali zetu wenyewe na hatimaye kukuza uchumi wa ndani, kupunguza uingizaji wa bidhaa za kutoka nje ya nchi kwa kushindanisha na bidhaa zetu wenyewe, na hatimaye kupunguza umasikini Tanzania. Mjadala huu unaweza kuendelea kwa kuchangia maoni yako pia!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Who is to Blame for the Hazardous (Flood Risky) Environment on the Vicinity of Our City Structures?

In the first place, responding to such type of an ambiguous question needs a thorough rethinking, but to me I think it should be imposed directly to either politicians or the planners. Whilst, asking who are the planners? 

These are professionals who work in the field of urban and city planning or land use planning for the purpose of optimizing the effectiveness of a community's land uses and service infrastructure. As such, the planning role is in response to the question and ambitions of our political leaders as the decision making body, depending according to their primary goal or vision of change for the natural and built-up environment. 

So, in accordance to the planning standards, planners normally formulate plans for the development and management of urban and suburban (peri-urban) areas, typically by analyzing land use compatibility as well as economic, environmental and social...trends and on how they interact with each other. In developing their plan(s) for a community (whether commercial, residential, agricultural, industrial or recreational etc), they principally consider a wide array of issues such as sustainability, pollution, traffic congestion, hazard or risky environment, crime issues, land values, legislation and zoning codes. 

For instance, the 1979 Dar es Salaam Master Plan, for more than 3 decades has ever since proposed for the city to have a maximum population size of 2.5 million people. As such, this proposal was provided depending according to the carriage capacity of the valuable city land (except for the hazard areas). Now the city population is claimed to have reached 4 million plus (almost double). Therefore, with effect to such tremendous pressure with an increased population, it has detrimentally surpassed the carriage capacity of the land available plus the service infrastructure. So, for the case of Dar es Salaam; who is to blame for the flood risky, prolonged traffic congestion, chronic pollution and the associated risky environments?

For what I know about the planners, their importance has ever being increasing throughout the 21st century, as the world begin to face issues of increased population growth, climate change, environmental disasters and unsustainable socio-economic developments. They could be considered as green collar professionals. As versatile as they are, they are poised to fit into all sectors of the economy and yet connected and bound in unity and common goals and objectives. Who are these men and women of substance whose values, versatility and authenticity cannot be under-estimated? THESE ARE THE PLANNERS!!!

Besides, toward this end, I positively support the peoples’ noble idea that something ethical has to be done in favour of the endangered families and relatives of our neighbouring communities, where they have massively experienced the catastrophic flood risky. This is especially by assisting them with moral support and physical materials i.e. temporal provision of dwelling for safety and security, medicare, food supplies, clothing as well as clean and safe drinking water and any other livelihood incentives. Although, I consequently stand to say that, living in the hazard land should totally be forbidden for whatsoever reason, where any type of development in the hazard land is not allowed as per principles of the town and country planning ordinance for the continuous sustainability of our livelihood communities.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Join Zantel as a Sales Representative (10 Posts for Tanga City)

Position Description:
Established in Mtwara Tanzania, SENICOMS & LOGISTICS COMPANY, is the Authorized Distributor and Sales Agency for Zanzibar Telecommunication Company, with more than two years experience of real estate business and telecommunication services. 
Always focus on building customer experience in communication services by doing product sales and business promotion for Zanzibar Telecommunication Company in the coastal regions of Tanzania. One of our target areas is Tanga and Coastal Region after doing a very successful and promising job in Mtwara and Lindi Regions.
The broad function for this post is to promote and maximize sales and distribution of Zantel products and services within designated region, and identification of new areas of growth and new market for company voice and data communication products.

Key Responsibility:
·                To promote Zantel products and services through Senicoms & Logistics to be a leading communication service provider in the area
·                Catch new opportunities, building and maintaining strong customer relationships with existing customers and identifying other needs and the potential for additional business.
·                Advertise and sell products of the company to current and perspective customers
·                To formulate the sales and marketing strategies to win the market
·                Dealing with the feedbacks and complaints of customers timely, in order to improve customer satisfaction, and establish long-term and good customer relationship
·                Visit the important customer regularly, and ensure fair competition in the market
·                Responsible for the planning and management of the sales channel in the area, coordinate with the dealers, provide them satisfying service and develop new dealers

Qualifications and Experience:
·              Degree or Diploma in business administration or any related field
·              Experience in sales and distribution management in communication industry
·              Ability to conduct marketing research
·              Excellent report writing skills coupled with excellent presentation skills
·              Excellent written and verbal communication skills (articulate) coupled with good     listening and critical reasoning skills
·              Results-oriented and passionate candidates are preferred
·              Age limit 20 to 30 years

Application Instructions:
Interested candidates that meet the above qualities should please send their CVs to the email: not later than the deadline. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Join the Best Cost Effective CUG Service with Zantel Network in TZ

Zantel Closed User Group (CUG) is a mobile telecommunication service that allows employees of corporate organizations and business entities make unlimited mobile calls, free of charge to co-employees (CUG members) at a flat monthly rate. Through Senicoms & Logistics; the Authorized Regional Distributor – we are providing a voice service for entire companies, organizations and business entities. This service offer easy-to-dial numbers for every employee (CUG member), even if they’re located in different branches of work stations or work remotely provided that Zantel Network is available. 

1.  What is Closed User Group (CUG)?

Closed User Group (CUG) allows persons within a predefined “user group” to make and receive free unlimited phone calls within the same registered group. Normally, a monthly subscription fee applies for each member that joins the defined CUG.

2.      How does the CUG work?

Once a CUG is defined, members can call other members of the same Closed User Group without incurring any phone call charge. If the call being made is to a phone number outside the CUG, then regular rates will apply.

3.      Who can be a member of a Closed User Group?

As a corporate customer, you decide and define the members of your own User Group. This service enables users to save more on phone calls made to other employees that are members of the same group.

4.      What are the benefits of joining a CUG?

  • Free latest mobile phones can be provided to staff with complete cost control. 
  • Potential for companies and organizations to make significant savings on calls made.
  • Easy budgeting for companies and other organizations including SME’s. 
  • Prevents fraudulent use of company’s phones for non business calls.
  • Unlimited free calls 24 hours a day 7 days a week within a Closed User Group.
  • Access to make phone calls outside of the Closed User Group (Outgoing Access).
  • Access to receive calls from outside of the Closed User Group (Incoming Access).
  • Option allows for outgoing phone calls outside the group members with regular rates.
  • Access to make emergency calls irrespective of the group subscription.
  • The size of CUG can vary, from a minimum of 5 to almost an unlimited number of users.

5.      How do I apply for the CUG service?

Companies/Offices and Organizations can contact Senicoms & Logistics – our Authorized Regional Distributor for further information regarding the creation of a CUG account.  Once you are satisfied with the charges/subscription for CUG, you then complete an application form for the service to be activated for your new CUG and start enjoying Zantel CUG Service.

For more information regarding Closed User Group registration, please contact our Authorized Regional Distributor & Sales Agent at 0776 220 120 or you can email your application to